Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Massage the Winter Away

Massage therapy- the practice of soft tissue manipulation for physical, mental, and emotional purposes-offers a variety of benefits to help you embrace the coming of spring with renewed vitality.
Raindrop Technique is a type of massage that integrates Young Living essential oils with the benefits of Vitaflex and massage. This technique was developed by Gary Young founder and president of Young Living, and Lakota a medicine man named Wallace Black Elk. Raindrop is a powerful, non-invasive tool for alleviating physical discomfort and realigning the body, mind and emotions. As an Infant/Care Specialist with assignments for 2-3 months 24/7 working with newborn infants  I saw its immediate and lasting results. The Raindrop Technique utilizes thyme, oregano, wintergreen, cypress, peppermint, basil, and majoram, along with Valor, Aroma Siez," V-6 Enhances Vegetable Oil Complex, and Ortho Ease" to bring the body and mind into alignment.  These oils are known for their ability to support the immune system and other body systems. Their high antioxidant properties elevate the mood and foster an environment of physical and emotional relaxation.

Thought for today:
This insight of the grateful heart is a dynamic key to pesonal prosperity.
It is cosmic ideal that has been caught and taught by mystic teachers of all ages.  Perhaps no one has articulated it better than Plato, who said "A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things." A tremendous insight! The grateful person is great because he or she has turned on all the lights within.  You may say of someone, "He has so much, and he is so grateful." But by Plato's law, it may be that he has so much because he is so grateful.  The grateful heart actually opens the way to the flow and becomes an attractive force to draw to itself great things.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Freshen Your Home For Spring: Purification and Thieves

Here are a few simple tips for using Young Living's popular essentials oil blends, Purification and Thieves to cleanse, purify, and renew your home.
One of the most effective Young Living products for cleansing away undue odors is Purification oil blend.  Its clean, refreshing, uplifiing scent eliminates unpleasant smells and helps dissipate indoor pollutants.  This blend of pure essentials oils is comprised of citronela, rosemary, lavandin, melaleuca and lemongrass- all powerful odor eliminaors- and was formulated specifically
for diffusing.
Thieves is another excellent Young Living oil blend for refreshing the home.
Lets take a closer look at what makes Thieves work:
Clove: One of the most effective germ-killing oils,  is a key ingredient
in Thieves.
Lemon: Contains antiseptic-like properties.
Cinnamon Bark:  Another Young Living Therapeutic Grade essential oil with high antiseptic-like elements; it adds a warm, spicy aroma to Thieves.
Eucalyptus radiata:  Is believed to be anti-infectious and hold many germ-fighting properties; it works with other ingredients in Thieves to help detoxify your home.
Rosemary; Fortifies Thieves' bacteria-killing properties.
Thought for today;
Spend an afternoon noticing the goodness and beauty of everyone you meet
adjusting your perception of the world liberates old habits.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint has a strong, clean, fresh, minty aroma.  One of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion. Research shows the inhalation of peppermint oil helps trigger a sense of fullness after meals, enhances your sense of taste and smell, and improves concentration and mental activity. After a long day a bath with peppermint oil works wonders for my body  I combine 10 drops of peppemint oil to 1 cup of sea salt  mix it up and add two tablespoons to a hot bath. It also makes an excellent foot scrub. Another great tip, combine peppermint oil with lavender oil, for a smoothing and invigorating body, neck and foot massage  Peppermint oil can also be applied over the stomach to soothe minor digestive discomfort.
Thought for the day:
Not every one of our dreams can be immediately gratified. We have got to learn to wait patiently for our dreams to come true, especially on the path we've chosen.  But while we wait, we need to prepare symbolically a place for
our hopes and dreams.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Peace & Calming Essential Oils

Unwind after a long day with the gentle pleasant scent of Peace & Calming. This soothing essential oil is a blend of tangerine,ylang ylang, blue tansy, orange, and pactchoul. Its claming blend promotes deep relaxation eases tension and supports a meditative state. It is specifically designed for diffusing: dispensing oil in a micro-fine vapor into the air. I diffuse right  before bedtime for a peaceful night's sleep. This blend also relaxes overactive, restless children by rubbing a few drops on the botton of their feet or in a warm bath to soothe fussy babies. Another useful tip is to add several drops into a spray bottle and lightly mist linens and bed pillows to aid a peaceful sleep.
Thought for today: "Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in this life has a purpose."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Wonderful Benefits Of Lavender Essential Oils

Experience the versatility and many benefits of lavender essential oils. Its fresh floral scent will relax your mind and body, and is safe enough to use on children to help them unwind before bedtime. At night I rub it on my neck, wrists and feet, or I'll add a few drops to my bath water for a calming spa-like experience. Theraputic-grade lavender is highly regarded for skin and beauty.  It may be used to smooth and cleanse common cuts and skin irrations. Add lavender to drinks like lemonade or desserts for a delicious unexpected flavor.
Thought For Today: "What a gift of grace to be able to take the choas from within and from it create some sembelence of order." Kathleen Paterson

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Young Living Essential Oils

I highly recommend the use of this remarkable product. The therapeutic
value of Young Living Essential oils, and the nutritional value of the Core Supplements that supports overall health and wellness virtually guarantees extraordinary results. In my effort to share some of my experiences with you I will be giving you daily tips, on how to empower you to change your own life and life of others.